My work has been commissioned by:

Cité de l'image Clervaux (Luxembourg): Pixie Pixel, interactive tour of the outdoors photography exhibition

Commune d'Esch-sur-Alzette, Nuit de la culture 2019 et 2020, Independent Little Lies

Centre national audio-visuel CNA (Luxembourg), open days, Independent Little Lies

Greenwich Council London: Olympic Dogs Days as part of the Olympic Games animation program, produced by Claire & Alex

High Fest Performing Arts Festival Yerevan (Armenia): Mascarade Loufoque, produced by Compagnie ZACLAMA!

Ministère de la culture du Luxembourg, ouverture du nouveau bâtiment du ministère

MUDAM - Musée d'art moderne du Luxembourg: The Way Things Are and How They Became Things, Spoken Words, a creative response to the exhibition by Folkert de Jong

Musée de la résistance Esch-sur-Alzette (Luxembourg), Journée nationale des musées, Independent Little Lies

Philharmonie du Luxembourg: Schneller als der Schall

Arthur and Mary.

Starting Out (2009-2010)

Starting Out (2009-2010)

Starting Out (2009-2010)

Using Format